Gammel Dansk Hønsehund. * Kodallundvej 9, 8763 Rask Mølle * +45 25726686 * *Relevant pages are available in English
Vi takker alle vores hvalpe købere og andre hunde venner for året der gik
I 2019, kom Team-B til verden og en tæve er tilbage, vi håber at vi i starten af 2020 finder en GDH hjem til hende, Berta er helt speciel.
I 2019 har vi været til flere udstillinger med både ABBA og Wiktor, med mange flotte resultater, Wiktor sluttede med at blive den 2. mest vindende GDH i DKK regi
Vi håber på at Team-C kommer til verden omkring 1/7-20, vi har nu henvendelser fra udlandet på hvalpe fra dette kuld. Der kommer mere når han hunden er fundet.
**We thank all our puppy buyers and other dog friends for the year that went by
In 2019, Team-B came to the world and a bitch is back, we hope that
by the beginning of 2020 we will find a GDH home for her, Berta is very special.
In 2019 we have been to several exhibitions with both ABBA and Wiktor, with many great results, Wiktor ended up being the 2nd most winning GDH
in DKK
We hope that Team-C comes to the world about 1 / 7-20, we now have requests from abroad for puppies from this litter. More comes when the "father" of the litter is found.
Med en forsinkelse på 1 md. er Boogie nu hos sin familie i London, vi er glade for at være med til at udbrede vores race i England, Boogie er nr 5 af racen i landet
**With a delay of 1 month. Boogie is now with his family in London, we are happy to help spread our breed in England, Boogie is the No. 5 breed in the country
Alle hvalpe er solgt 🤩
5 hvalpe er rejst til deres nye familie og vi glæder os til at følge med i deres opvækst.
I galleri kommer der billeder af hvalpene og deres nye familier
All puppy are sold 🤩
5 puppies have left for their new family and we look forward to follow their upbringing.
the gallery you will find pictures of the puppies and their new families
25 maj tog vi ture til Tyskland i håb om at vi kunne opnå det sidste CACIB til Wiktor, det han mangler for at blive international udstillings champion, han fik V1 og blev i kampen om bedste han "slået" af Charletans Mikkel der stillede i champion klassen
Resultat Wiktor: V1 Res. CACIB, Res. CAC og sit 1. Anw. Dt. Ch. VDH -
ABBA stillede i junior klassen sammen med hendes kuld søster som bor tæt på Hamborg, begge tæver trak sig for dommeren.
Resultat ABBA: SG1
**May 25 we went to Germany in the hope that we could get the last CACIB to Wiktor, what he lacks to become international exhibition champion, he got V1 and became in the
fight for best he "beaten" by Charletans Mikkel who posed in the champion class
Result Wiktor: V1 Res. CACIB, Res. CAC and sit 1. Anw. Dt.
Ch. VDH -
ABBA was entered in junior class with her litter sister who lives near Hamburg, both bitches withdrew the judge.
Results ABBA:
Udstilling Roskilde 2019
Heldet udeblev, Fredag fik både Wiktor og ABBA excellent (ingen CK) og blev begge BIK i deres klasser
Lørdag fik Wiktor VG, det har vi kun fået i 2018 i Vejen hvor Wiktor var blevet rigelig rund ;O) det var da SIF havde hvalpe og der lidt tit kom mad på bordet...Dommeren om lørdagen havde desværre ikke sans for hvordan man udtrykker sig "pænt" når der er noget man ikke syntes om
ABBA fik excellent uden CK og blev BIK
Lørdag havde vi fornøjelsen af at hilse på ABBA´s kuldsøster Alma/Saga, hun stillede også i juniorklassen og fik VG, hun fik en fin beskrivelse men dommeren syntes hun manglede selvtillid og ringtræning (Hun var i første løbetid på dagen)
Vi blev meget glade for at hun kunne kende os😀
** Dog show Roskilde 2019
The luck was not with us, Friday got both Wiktor and ABBA excellent (no CK) and both became BIK in their classes
Saturday, Wiktor got VG, we only got VG once, in 2018 at Vejen show where Wiktor had become ample round; o) it was when SIF had puppies and there often came food on the table ... The judge on the Saturday unfortunately did not sense
how to expresses him self "nicely" when there is something you did not like😥
ABBA got excellent
without CK and became BIK
Saturday we had the pleasure of greeting ABBA's litter sister Alma / Saga, she also made the junior class and got VG, she got a nice description but the judge thought she lacked self-confidence and
ring training (She was in the first maturity of the day)
We were very happy that she knew us, we only saw her one since she was picked up as 8 weeks old😀
Team-A bliver i dag 29 april 2019 et år, sikke tiden flyver.
Vi ønsker alle hvalpene stort tillykke og håber de bliver forkælet også i dag
**Team-A will today April 29, 2019, be a year old, which time flies
We wish all the puppies congratulations and hope they get spoiled even today
Wiktor er i Sverige blevet far til et flot klud hvalpe på 9 stk som alle er solgt
**Wiktor has in Sweden become the father of a nice cloth puppies of 9 which all have been sold
5 Klub udstillingen i Jægerspris, 10 tilmeldte hunde og en af vores hvalpe fra Team - A var med, hendes 2. udstilling og hun tog hjem med junior cert og BIR pokalen
Stort tillykke til ejer Abbelone Holm og Klaus Guldager
**5 Club show in Jægerspris, 10 dogs were entered and one of our puppies from Team - A was signed up, her second
show and she went home with junior CAC and BOB trophy
Congratulations to the owner Abbelone Holm and Klaus Guldager
**5 Club Show in Uldum which was registered to a large number of dogs, 27 pieces showed up.
1 in baby class, 11 male and 15 bitches
Wiktor became BOB and ABBA got Excellent in her first junior class.
See and read more under results and gallery