Gammel Dansk Hønsehund. * Kodallundvej 9, 8763 Rask Mølle * +45 25726686 * *Relevant pages are available in English
**The final show of the year is well over
Saturday: Wiktor -
Excellent CK, No. 1 in the open class, BIK 1, CACIB and BIM
ABBA - Excellent CK, No. 2 in class up to 2 years old , BIK 4
Sunday: Wiktor - Excellent CK, no. 2 in the open class BIK 3
ABBA - Excellent
no. 1 in class up to 2 years old
In the competition as the DKK Race of the Year winner 2019, Wiktor was No. 2 and ABBA No. 8
2 dage med udstilling i Dortmund hvor der om fredagen var "kampen" om Bundessieger titlen og lørdag var det Herbstsieger titlen der var "kamp" om.
Wiktor og ABBA var med, denne udstilling var sidste gang som junior for ABBA.
Fredag: Wiktor:V1, Res.CACIB, Res.CAC, Anw.Dt,Ch.VDH
ABBA: SG2 - På denne dag var ABBA meget trykket over for dommeren fra Malaysia, på beskrivelsen skrev dommeren at den eneste grund til SG var det på dagen viste temperament, han gav ABBA en flot beskrivelse.
Lørdag: Wiktor V1, CACIB, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, BOB og titlen Herbst-Sieger Dortmund 2019
ABBA V1, Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH, Bedste junior og titlen Herbst-Jugendsieger Dortmund 2019
**2 days of show in Dortmund where on Friday was the "fight" for the Bundessieger title and on Saturday it was the Herbstsieger title that was "fight" about.
Wiktor and ABBA, this show was
the last time as a junior for ABBA.
Friday: Victor: V1, Res.CACIB, Res.CAC, Anw.Dt, Ch.VDH
ABBA: SG2 - On this day, ABBA was very pressured against the judge from Malaysia, on the description
the judge wrote that the only reason for SG was the temperament shown on the day, ABBA a beautiful description.
Saturday: Wiktor V1, CACIB, CAC, Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH, BOB and the title Herbst-Sieger Dortmund 2019
ABBA V1, Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH, Best junior and the title Herbst-Jugendsieger Dortmund 2019
Vi havde taget turen over til Ballerup med Wiktor og ABBA, dette er sidste udendørs udstilling.
Begge fik pæne beskrivelser.
Wiktor: I åben klasse Excellent 3 bedste han.
ABBA: I junior klassen, Excelllent CK nr. 1
**We had taken the trip to Ballerup with Wiktor and ABBA, this is the last outdoor show.
Both got nice descriptions.
Wiktor: In open class Excellent 3rd best male.
ABBA: In the junior class,
Excelllent CK No. 1
Lørdag: ABBA - Excellent, Bedste junior tæve
Wiktor - Excellent, CK, CACIB, BIR, Store ring nr. 2 i gr. 7
Søndag: ABBA - Excellent, CK, Bedste junior tæve, Juniorcert, 2. bedste tæve,
På dagen Dansk Junior Champion
Wiktor - Excellent, CK, CACIB, BIR, Store ring nr. 2 i gr. 7
**This show was "ours", everything we dreams of became reality.
We had ABBA in the junior class and Wiktor in open class all 3 days
Friday: ABBA - Excellent CK, Best junior bitch, Juniorcert
and 3 Best bitch
Wiktor-Excellent, CK, Best in open class, Nordic CAC, BOS
Saturday: ABBA - Excellent, Best junior bitch
Wiktor - Excellent, CK, CACIB, BOB, Main ring no. 2 in Gr. 7
Sunday: ABBA - Excellent, CK, Best junior bitch, Juniorcert, 2nd best bitch,
On the day Danish Junior Champion
Wiktor - Excellent, CK, CACIB, BOB, Main ring no. 2 in Gr. 7
Wiktor - Vejen 20190623
Kritik ** Description
ABBA - Vejen 20190623
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Wiktor - Vejen 20190622
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ABBA - Vejen 20190622
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ABBA - Vejen 20190621
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Wiktor - Vejen 20190621
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