Gammel Dansk Hønsehund. * Kodallundvej 9, 8763 Rask Mølle * +45 25726686 * *Relevant pages are available in English
Søndag 14 november 2021 - 17 GDH´er vartilmeldt på dagen
Igen i dag havde vi 3 han hunde i åben klasse, Wiktor i Champion klassen og ABBA i åben klasse
Alle var mærket af træthed, specielt Wiktor der havde haft en hård og lang lørdag
Buller, Boss og Bilbo fik alle 3 Very good
Wiktor Excellent CK 4.BHK
ABBA Excellent CK 2. BTK CACIB
Vi er meget tilfredse med alle hundene - Der trænes videre og vi kommer igen
**Sunday 14 November 2021 - 17 GDHs registered for the day
Again today we had 3 male dogs in open class, Wiktor in Champion class and ABBA in open class
Everyone was tired, especially Wiktor, who had a hard and long Saturday
Buller, Boss and Bilbo all got 3 Very good
Wiktor Excellent CK 4.BHK
ABBA Excellent CK 2. BTK CACIB
**We are very happy with all the dogs - We continue training and we will come again
Lørdag 13/11-21 25 GDH´er var tilmeldt
3 hanhunde fra Tean - B stillede alle i åben klasse
Harrysmindes Buller Excellent CK 3.BHK
Harrysmindes Boss, Very Good
Harrysmindes Bilbo aka Hektor, Good, han havde sit første "møde" med en af de store udstillinger og der var "tryk" på ringen og rigtig mange hunde, det kostede på selvtilliden
Nei´s Wiktor i champion klassen, Excellent CK 1.BHK NCAC BIR - Fik på dagen titlen Nordisk Vinder 2021 - Vandt i store ring gruppe 7 og i Best in show nr 5 - Vi er så glade og stolte
Beskrivelse: Prima velbygget han med et rigtig godt udtryk mask hoved muskuløs og godt behængt hals prima over og under linje gode benstammer prima bevæg set fra alle sider godt hårlag godt temp.
Harrysmindes ABBA Excellent CK 2.BTK R.NCAC - Beskrivelse:
Fortrinlig type passende str harmonisk bygget med et godt hoved godt udtryk
passende bred næseryg og skal passende ansat øre korrekt bid muskuløs hals
ryg god kryds velbåren hale prima underlinje prima benstammer velvinklet
for og bag jordvenden bevæg fra alle sider godt hårlag godt temp.
**Saturday 13 / 11-21 25 GDHs were registered
3 male dogs from Team - B all competed in open class
Harrysmindes Buller Excellent CK 3.BHK
Harrysmindes Boss, Very Good
Harrysminde's Bilbo aka Hektor, Good, he had his first "meeting" with one of the big shows and there was "pressure" on the ring and a lot of dogs, it cost him confidence
Nei´s Wiktor in champion class, Excellent CK 1.BHK NCAC BOB - Got the title Nordic Winner 2021 - Won in big ring group 7 and in Best in show no. 5 - We are so happy and proud
Description: Prima well-built male with a really good expression mask head muscular and well-hung neck prima above and below the line good bone stems prima movement seen from all sides good hair layer good temp.
Harrysmindes ABBA Excellent CK 2.BTK R.NCAC
Description: Excellent type suitable size harmoniously built with a good head good expression suitably wide nasal back and must appropriately employed ear properly bite muscular neck good back good cross well-worn tail prima underline prima bone stems well-angled in front and behind the ground turn move from all sides good layer of hair good temp.
Fredag 12/11-21 - 13 GDHér var tilmeldt
Harrysmindes Cosmo i Junior klassen, Good, fin kritik med behøver mere selvtillid og ringtræning
Harrysmindes Boss, åben klasse, Very Good, manglede på dagen selvsikkerhed i ringen
Harrysmindes Buller, øben klasse, Excellent
Nei´s Wiktor i champion klassen, Excellent CK 3.BHK R.CACIB
Harrysmindes ABBA i åben klasse, Excellent CK 4.BTK R.CACIB
**Friday 12 / 11-21 - 13 GDHs were registered
Harrysminde's Cosmo in the Junior class, Good, nice description but needs more confidence and ring training
Harrysminde's Boss, open class, Very Good, lacked confidence in the ring during the day
Harrysmindes Buller, open class, Excellent
Nei´s Wiktor in champion class, Excellent CK 3.BHK R.CACIB
Harrysmindes ABBA in open class, Excellent CK 4.BTK R.CACIB
Vi havde meldt 7 hunde, men lod ABBA blive hjemme da hun var høj løbsk
Alle hunde fik meget flotte beskrivelser
Så dagen var en ren "drenge kamp" - Wiktor i champion klassen fik excellent, kunne til dette skue ikke få lov at være med i kampen om at blive BIR, da alle vinder af Champion klasser skulle mødes i store ring - Wiktor løb godt og viste sig også godt - han blev ikke placeret
fra Team - B havde 3 drenge sat hinanden stævne samt 1 fra Team - C
Harrysmindes Bilbo aka Hektor (hunden første udstilling) Excellent 1. BHK BIR
Harrysmindes Boss Excellent 2. BHK
Harrysmindes Buller Excellent 3. BHK
Harrysmindes Cosmo Excellent 4 . BHK (Cosmo trykker sig stadig ved berøring)
foto følger
**We had signed up for 7 dogs, ABBA staying home when she was in heat
All dogs received very good descriptions
The day was a pure "boys match" - Wiktor in the champion class got excellent, could not be allowed to participate in the fight to become BOB, as all winners of Champion classes had to meet in the main ring - Wiktor showed really well - he was not placed
From Team - B, 3 boys had competed and 1 from Team - C
Harrysmindes Bilbo aka Hektor (his first show) Excellent 1. BHK BOB
Harrysmindes Boss Excellent 2. BHK
Harrysmindes Buller Excellent 3. BHK
Harrysmindes Cosmo Excellent 4. BHK (Cosmo still presses when touched)
Photo follows
Med os til Ballerup var 2 af vores egne hunde og de var helt på toppen
Harrysmindes ABBA i åben klasse Excellent CK 1.BTK, KBH vinder 2021, BIR. Nr. 4 i gr. 7
Nei´s Wiktor Af Giresta i champion klassen Excellent CK 1. BHK, KBH vinder 2021, BIM
Vi er meget stolte af at kunne tilføje titler til begge hunde - Flere foto under galleri
**With us to Ballerup were 2 of our own dogs.
Harrysmindes ABBA in open class Excellent CK 1.BTK, KBH winner 2021, BOB. Nr. 4 in group 7
Nei´s Wiktor Af Giresta in champion class Excellent CK 1. BHK, KBH wins 2021, BOS
We are very proud to be able to add titles for both dogs - More photos under gallery
Med til Glud på en meget varm dag var kennelen repræsenteret med 4 hunde
I Åben klasse han:
Harrysmindes Boss - Excellent nr. 2
Harrysmindes Buller - Excellent nr. 3, begge ejet af Mette Stelmach
Nei´s Wiktor Af Giresta i Champion klassen
Excellent nr. 1 - BIR - BIR Champion - BIS Champion - BIS i Gruppe 7 og BIS 5
I åben klasse tæver:
Harrysmindes ABBA - Excellent nr. 2
**Harrysmindes Boss - Excellent No. 2
Harrysminde's Buller - Excellent no. 3, both owned by Mette Stelmach
Nei´s Wiktor Af Giresta in Champion class
Excellent no. 1 - BOB - BOB Champion - BIS Champion - BIS in Group 7 and BIS 5
In open class bitches:
Harrysmindes ABBA - Excellent No. 2
Søndag var en dejlig dag, dommer Annette Bystrup har en rigtig god tilgang til hundene og hun har god tid til hver enkelt hund.
Søndag havde vi igen fornøjelsen af Harrysmindes Cosmo ejet af Ann og Kenneth Lohmann - Det gik rigtigt godt, dette var kun Cosmo´s 2. udstilling - Excellent CK R.Jun.CERT
Harrysmindes Buller var tilbage i "form" og han fik excellent CK 3.BHK R.CACIB
Harrysmindes Boss mangler fylde og fik Excellent
Harrysmindes ABBA Excellent CK 4. BTK R.CACIB - Vi håbede på et CABIB men desværre 🙂
Nei´s Wiktor Excellent CK 2.BHK CACIB
**Sunday was a nice day, judge Annette Bystrup has a really good approach to the dogs and she has plenty of time for each dog.
Sunday we again had the pleasure of Harrysmindes Cosmo owned by Ann and Kenneth Lohmann - It went really well, this was only Cosmo's 2nd show - Excellent CK R.Jun.CERT
Harrysmindes Buller was back in the mood and he got excellent CK 3.BHK R.CACIB
Harrysmindes Boss lacks fullness on the body and got Excellent
Harrysmindes ABBA Excellent CK 4. BTK R.CACIB - We were hoping for a CABIB but unfortunately 🙂
Nei´s Wiktor Excellent CK 2.BHK CACIB
Lørdag var en dag med både gode og mindre gode oplevelser for hundene
Dommer Henrik Søeborg, DK
På denne dag var der også aspirant dommer og nogle syntes dette var rigeligt meget "gramseri" inkl at der blev brugt stangmål 🤔
Harrysmindes Buller og Harrysmindes Boss, begge var på dagen ikke store nok i dommerens øjne, ingen af dem var tryk ved denne dommer og derfor opnåede de begge kun GOOD
Harrysmindes ABBA fik excellent og en flot beskrivelse, CK udeblev da dommeren syntes hun var for forsigtig
Nei´s Wiktor fik så til gengæld "hele pakken" Excellent CK 1. BHK CACIB BIR
**Saturday was a day with both good and less good experiences for the dogs
Judge Henrik Søeborg, DK
On this day there was also an aspirant judge and some thought this was plenty of "touch" incl that bar measurements were used 🤔
Harrysmindes Buller and Harrysmindes Boss, both were not big enough in the judge's eyes during the day, neither of them were pressured by this judge and therefore they both only got GOOD
Harrysmindes ABBA got excellent and a nice description, CK was absent when the referee thought she was too carefulNei´s Wiktor got in return the "whole package" Excellent CK 1. BHK CACIB BOB
Fredag var en rigtig god dag med en dommer (Svend Erik Løvenkjær), der gik særdeles fornuftig til hundene som for de unges vedkommende stadig er mærket at "Corona" pausen
Harrysmindes Buller og Harrysmindes Boss er blevet 2 år og stillede begge i åben klasse, de fik en flot beskrivelse.
Buller fik Very Good nr 1
Boss fik Very Good nr 2 (Begge ejes af Mette Godsk Stelmach)
Harrysmindes ABBA Excellent i åben klasse nr 1, desværre ingen CK
Nei´s Wiktor i champion klassen excellent CK 2.BHK R.NCAC
**Friday was a really good day with a judge (Svend Erik Løvenkjær) who went very sensibly to the dogs which for the youngsters are still marked that "Corona" break
Harrysmindes Buller and Harrysmindes Boss have been 2 years old and both in open class, they got a nice description.
Buller got Very Good No. 1
Boss got Very Good nr 2 (Both are owned by Mette Godsk Stelmach)
Harrysmindes ABBA Excellent in open class no. 1, unfortunately no CK
Nei's Wiktor in the champion class excellent CK 2.BHK R.NCAC
På udstillingen i Vissenbjerg stillede i alt 34 Gammel Dansk Hønsehunde
11 hunde i alt fik excellent, 15 Very Good, 7 fik good og 1 hvalp SL
Harrysmindes Cosmo - 1. udstilling for ham, han stillede i junior klassen og fik Very Good og blev 3. bedste i klassen
Harrysmindes Buller i åben klasse, han fik Very Good og blev 4. bedste han i klassen
Harrysmindes Boss i åben klasse, han fik Good.
Ingen i åben klasse fik excellent....
Harrysmindes ABBA i åben klasse fik Very Good hvilket var første gang for hende i DK, hun har altid fået excellent til både nationale og internationale udstillinger....Hun blev 4. bedste tæve i klassen
Nei´s Wiktor stillede i champion klassen og fik excellent CK 1 nr i klassen og BIM
**At the show in Vissenbjerg, a total of 34 Old Danish pointer - 11 dogs in total got excellent, 15 Very Good, 7 got good and 1 puppy SL
Harrysmindes Cosmo - 1st show for him, he competed in the junior class and got Very Good and became 3rd best in the class
Harrysmindes Buller in open class, he got Very Good and became 4th best male in the class
Harrysmindes Boss in open class, he got Good.
No one in open class got excellent ....
Harrysmindes ABBA in open class got Very Good which was the first time for her in DK, she has always had excellent for both national and international shows .... She was 4th best bitch in class
Nei´s Wiktor competed in the champion class and got excellent CK 1 number in the class and BOS
Igen havde vi 4 hunde tilmeldt, flotte resultater
Desværre er både Buller og Boos utrygge i ringen ved dommeren, der arbejdes med dem, de har ikke har godt af "corona pause" - De fik begge en flot beskrivelse
Harrysmindes ABBA - Excellent i åben klasse 1. BTK og BIM
Harrysmindes Boss (ejet af Mette Godsk Stelmach) Very Good nr 2 i Mellemklasse
Harrysmindes Buller (ejet af Mette Godsk Stelmach) Very Good nr 1 i Mellemklassen
Nei´s Wiktor Af Giresta Excellent i champion klassen og 2. BHK
**Again we had 4 dogs entered, great results
Unfortunately, both Buller and Boos insecure in the ring by the judge, we are working with them, they have not had the benefits of the "corona break" - They both got a great description
Harrysmindes ABBA - Excellent in open class 1. BTK and BOS
Harrysminde's Boss (owned
by Mette Godsk Stelmach) Very Good 2. in middle class
Harrysmindes Buller (owned by Mette Godsk Stelmach) Very Good 1. in middle class
Nei's Wiktor Af Giresta - Excellent in championclass and 2. BHK
Igen havde vi 4 hunde tilmeldt, flotte resultater
Harrysmindes ABBA - Excellent i åben klasse 1. BTK og BIR
Harrysmindes Boss (ejet af Mette Godsk Stelmach) Very Good i åben klasse
Harrysmindes Buller (ejet af Mette Godsk Stelmach) Excellent i åben klasse og 3. BHK
Nei´s Wiktor Af Giresta Excellent i champion klassen og 2. BHK
**Again we had 4 dogs entered, great results
Harrysmindes ABBA - Excellent in open class 1. BTK and BOB
Harrysminde's Boss (owned by Mette Godsk Stelmach) Very Good in open class
Harrysmindes Buller (owned by Mette Godsk Stelmach) Excellent in open class and 3rd BHK
Nei's Wiktor Af Giresta - Excellent in championclass and 2. BHK
Harrysmindes Buller (ejet af Mette Godsk Stelmach) Excellent nr 2 i mellem klassen
Nei´s Wiktor Af Giresta Excellent nr 2 i champion klassen og 2. BHK
**Great results for the kennel after many months where there has been no show or training
Harrysmindes ABBA - Excellent No. 1 in open class and BOS
Harrysmindes Boss (owned by Mette Godsk Stelmach) Excellent No. 1 In the class for dogs up to 24 months and 3rd BHK
Harrysmindes Buller (owned by Mette Godsk Stelmach) Excellent No. 2 In the class for dogs up to 24 months
Nei´s Wiktor Af Giresta Excellent in champion class and 2nd BHK